T1 vs DK LCK 2021 Summer Finals Game 1 Analysis
Lessons for NA
I wanted to do this analysis so that LCS teams can use what these teams did well as an example to improve their play. I will discuss how both teams drafted well, how DK played to their early win conditions, how T1 utilized tempo and traded objectives from behind, and how both teams played to their mid-late win conditions.
Starting with draft, DK ban Irelia since she is a high priority flex pick, Aphelios to prevent Aphelios Thresh, and Renekton possibly since T1 ban Jayce but also because DK want to play Camille and because Renekton is a high priority blind pick. T1 ban Lee Sin, Jayce, and Ziggs since they are all high priority picks, and Jayce is also a target ban towards Khan. DK then first pick Ryze because he is a high priority pick and they have a draft plan in mind. T1 first pick Viego because he is the highest priority jungler and Azir as a counter-pick to Ryze. Next, DK pick Ashe Camille because Camille can use her ulti to set up for a Ryze ulti and Ashe can support top plays with her ulti, is good weak-side because of her E, and can set up for Ryze ultis with her ulti in the mid-late game. Camille is also a good blind pick. T1 pick Gwen as a Camille counter and because Gwen fits into the long range comp T1 are drafting.
Looking at phase 2 of the draft, T1 ban Xin Zhao since he is the next highest priority jungler left open, and Tahm Kench because of his synergy with Ashe; they also want to play an engage support. DK ban Kalista since she would counter Ashe and Gragas because he could use his ulti to knock Camille out of her ulti. Then, T1 pick Leona because they need engage and she is a good blind pick. DK counter-pick Leona with Braum and pick Trundle since he can additionally counter Leona with his ulti, he can help peel Gwen, Viego, and Leona off his immobile carries, and he is the next highest priority jungler left open. Finally, T1 last pick Ezreal since he fits into their long range comp and is a comfort pick for Teddy.
Next, let’s look at how DK played to their early win conditions. At 5:46 game time, Gwen’s wave is in a bad spot, Trundle is pathing towards top, and Ryze gets mid prio. DK then roam top using Ryze ulti which results in a kill, multiple waves denied, and a turret plate. This is exactly the play DK should be looking to make to get a lead in the early game. Since they brought both their jungler and mid laner to the play, even if the enemy jungler is covering, DK would still have numbers advantage. Also, they are playing to their early win conditions which are to use Ryze ulti, and Camille and Ashe ulti if available, to get top ahead.
Now, let’s see how T1 utilized tempo. At 8:02, T1 start rift herald because they have tempo with their bot lane getting prio and moving first. They get top and mid prio, and vision control of the objective. The most important thing here is that T1 engage when DK walk up since this tempo has given them numbers advantage and vision control. DK should not be contesting this rift herald since T1 have tempo and objective setup. They should have instead stayed bot to trade by denying bot waves and getting turret plating.
Looking at how T1 traded objectives from behind, at 16:27, T1 send all 5 players to the top half of the map to create a numbers advantage in order to trade objectives so they can close the gold gap. Additionally, this allows them to have a successful rift herald drop. Then, because T1 created tempo with this initial play; Gwen, Azir, and Leona all get to reset first, they can send all 5 players to the bottom half of the map to again create a numbers advantage in order to trade objectives.
Finally, let’s see how both teams played to their mid-late win conditions. At 27:25, dragon is spawning in 30 seconds but instead of grouping for mid prio, DK send Camille top and Ryze bot. They wait for T1 to respond to the side-lane pressure before starting dragon. DK are playing to the strengths of their comp which is a 1–3–1 comp. They don’t want to teamfight against T1’s teamfight comp. T1’s comp is additionally hard to play into as 5 for DK because DK’s comp is pretty short range, and T1’s comp has a lot of range and disengage.
At 29:35, DK are starting baron while at the same time Camille is pressuring bot. If T1 don’t send 2 bot, they will lose their inhib, and if T1 do send 2 bot, they will either lose baron or a fight around baron. DK are again playing to the strengths of their team comp. After DK are forced to reset, T1 group as 5 mid because they realize they have to group and force or they will lose the game. DK disrespect T1’s numbers advantage; DK are pushing side waves, and get dove. They should have backed off and given the tower. T1 were playing to the strengths of their comp which is a teamfight comp.
At 38:05, T1 group as 5 and force baron because they again want to play to their mid-late win conditions. DK contest and win the fight. T1 should have either looked to turn for the fight with Leona waiting on a flank since they had objective setup, or they should have waited for DK to move towards dragon before starting baron.
This is what we can learn from this game. When drafting, it is important to draft win conditions for the early game, and team comps that make sense with champion synergies and mid-late win conditions, while at the same time following the rules of drafting. In the early game, teams should make strategically sound plays to their win conditions to get leads in the early game. Teams should use tempo to secure objectives and make correct macro decisions with that tempo like engaging a fight. Teams should also trade objectives when behind; they can do this by creating tempo or by thinking ahead and setting up trades in advance for neutral objectives that are spawning soon. Finally, teams should play to the strengths of their comp in the mid-late game.
Early win condition: A method of getting a lead in the early game; usually by utilizing priority to roam/dive
Priority (Prio): Being able to move first due to having wave push in a lane
Tempo: An advantage due to pace of the game, e.g., having first reset, base advantage, or moving first due to priority
Mid-late win conditions: How you play your team composition to its’ strengths, e.g, 1–3–1, teamfight, or poke
High priority pick: A strong pick in the meta or a highly contested pick between two teams